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Partake in Cannabis

There are countless ways to enjoy cannabis--here are a few of our favorites!

Flower 101

Cannabis flower has countless names–bud, nugs, weed–but the reason you’ll most often hear dispensaries refer to it as “flower” is because it’s the actual flower of the cannabis plant! Cultivators harvest these flower buds to create the many cannabis products you can purchase at a dispensary today.

cannabis flower spilling out of a green jarcannabis flower spilling out of a green jar

Edibles 101

Cannabis flower has countless names–bud, nugs, weed–but the reason you’ll most often hear dispensaries refer to it as “flower” is because it’s the actual flower of the cannabis plant! Cultivators harvest these flower buds to create the many cannabis products you can purchase at a dispensary today.

Colorful stacks of THC gummiesColorful stacks of THC gummies

Concentrates 101

Dabs, or cannabis concentrates, are popular and highly potent forms of cannabis. They are firm favorites of cannabis enthusiasts, and considering the various types to experiment with, that’s no surprise.

Cannabis concentrate on a dab toolCannabis concentrate on a dab tool

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