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Ohio Medical Marijuana Laws & Information

The Buckeye State passed House Bill 523 in 2016, legalizing medical marijuana in Ohio. Today, the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program (MMCP) allows patients who have a qualifying medical condition to apply for a medical cannabis card, known as an Ohio Medical Marijuana Card

Become an Ohio Medical Cannabis Patient

The process to become a medical marijuana patient in Ohio involves several steps, including a certification from a state-approved physician and registering with the MMCP. Once you have your Ohio Medical Marijuana Card, you’ll be able to purchase products from a state-licensed medical marijuana dispensary. 

Qualifying Conditions for a Medical Marijuana in Ohio

To become a medical marijuana patient in Ohio, you must be certified by a state-approved physician that you suffer from one of the state’s qualifying medical conditions. If you do not have a condition on the list, but you and your physician both feel like you would be a good candidate for medical marijuana treatment, you can petition the State Medical Board of Ohio

Get a Medical Cannabis Card in Ohio

Your medical physician will submit all of the necessary certification and forms to the state for review. However, there are still several steps you’ll need to take to help in the application process. Follow our Ohio-specific Get a Card guide for more information.

Ohio Medical Marijuana Purchase & Possession Limits

Medical marijuana patients in Ohio are able to purchase up to a 90-day supply of medical cannabis products, which are divided into two 45-day fill periods. This means that during each 45-day fill period, a medical marijuana patient or caregiver may purchase no more than half of their 90-day allotted amount.

A 90-day supply of medical marijuana is defined as: 

  • Up to 9oz (254.7 g) of raw cannabis flower
  • Up to 26.55g of THC in patches, lotions, creams, or ointments
  • Up to 9.9g of THC in oil, tincture, capsule, or edible form for oral administration
  • Up to 53.1g of THC in medical marijuana oil for vaporization

Ohio medical marijuana patients may possess no more than a 90-day supply of marijuana products.

Where Can I Use Medical Marijuana in Ohio?

In Ohio, medical marijuana products may only be used on private property, including your home, backyard, or any other privately owned area that is out of view of the public. 

Marijuana is not permitted in the following scenarios:  

  • Public or federal land
  • Any motor vehicle
  • Around a minor
  • Traveling across state lines

Businesses, landlords, and certain municipalities may have additional rules regarding possession of cannabis. You should always check the rules for your location before consuming marijuana.

Have questions? We’ve got answers

No matter your level of comfort or knowledge with medical marijuana, we can help answer your questions. Our friendly cannabis sales consultants are happy to talk.

FAQs About Medical Marijuana in Ohio

The Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program is the ultimate authority for all legislation around medical marijuana in the state. As licensed providers in the state, we often get frequently asked questions about the program and purchasing medical marijuana. We’ve answered a few of those here:

Is medical marijuana legal In Ohio?

Yes, it is. Ohio has authorized medical marijuana in the form of dry medical flower, extracts, vape cartridges, topical salves, and many other products.

How can I purchase medical marijuana in Ohio?

To purchase medical marijuana in Ohio, you must be certified by an approved physician and registered with the MCCP. Once you receive your Ohio medical cannabis card, you can purchase medical marijuana in a licensed medical dispensary. 

How can I be prescribed medical marijuana in Ohio?

Specific medical marijuana products are not prescribed. Rather, a physician certifies patients for the treatment of medical marijuana. Once certified, a patient can purchase medical marijuana that suits their needs. We encourage all medical marijuana patients to consult with their physician to determine the appropriate product regimen.  

Can I use an out of state medical card in Ohio?

No, Ohio does not have a medical cannabis reciprocity program. That means the state does not accept medical marijuana cards issued by other states.